Planted Meals is a vegan meal prep delivery company based in Vancouver, Canada. The company was in the process of redesigning its website and sought out a team of 4 UI/UX designers to evaluate the personality and usability of the mobile version of the new website prototype.
Planning Evaluation Methods
The team first generated two following evaluation questions: How do users feel about the personality of both the current and the new websites? Do the websites have any usability issues?
Then, the appropriate evaluation methods including a heuristic evaluation and an observational study were planned to answer the questions. Preparation such as mapping out evaluation procedures and recruiting participants were carried out promptly.
Heuristic Evaluation

The team conducted the heuristic evaluation on Planted Meals’ new mobile website prototype individually using Nielsen Norman’s ten heuristics to determine the overall usability of the new mobile website prototype and proposed suggestions for problem-solving or improvements. The results were later combined in Figma.
Observational Study
The team recruited 13 participants aged 20-30 who were located in the Metro Vancouver area and familiar with food delivery platforms. The participants were asked to sign a consent form and perform the two tasks on both Planted Meals’ current mobile website and the mobile website prototype on either the researcher’s or their own mobile phone. The tasks were exploring the website and ordering a set of items, and the participants were instructed to verbally express what they think and how they feel while the evaluator took notes and asked guiding questions to help with the expression. Pre-study and post-study questionnaires were filled out before and after performing the tasks on the current website and the prototype for further data collection. The study was completed either in person or remotely through video conferencing with one participant at a time.
Synthesising Results

The team synthesised the results of both the heuristic evaluation and the observational study by making an affinity diagram and removing the issues found from the current website that was already solved in the prototype. After rounds of categorising and ranking, the diagram shows clearly where the strength and the issues of Planted Meals’ mobile prototype were. After synthesising the results, the team revisited the research questions and came to the conclusion that the evaluation was successful in answering our research questions. The team then summarised the findings, discussed suggestions for improvements, and prepared for presenting to the client.
Presenting Findings & Suggestions

The team hosted a 30-minute Zoom meeting with Planted Meals and presented the evaluation methods and the findings in detail and suggested solution for certain issues and areas for improvement. The company was satisfied with the team’s evaluation.