Tom Ford is a magazine article designed by a team of three designers in March 2019. The idea was to uncover the great achievement of Mr Tom Ford and his eponymous luxury brand have accomplished in the past decade. Both print and web layouts were developed with Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. The print layout consists of a cover page and a spread, while the web layout is made up of four pages.

My teammates had never heard about Tom Ford, and during research, they learned about the company and its background. We gathered information regarding the brand’s development in recent years and the themes of its campaigns. Along the process, we also collected appropriate photos for our magazine article.
Individual Layout Composition

After gathering enough information for the content, we decided that each of us should prepare a print layout individually so we could draw inspiration from each other and pick the best design for further refinement.
Web Layout

After picking our favourite print layout design, our team trusted me to work on the web layout design individually due to the time constraint. I chose to use the fashion magazine Vogue as the host website of our magazine article and used a 15-column grid. At the very top is the fixed main navigation bar. Below, about 3/5 of the page is the main article with all essential information. On the right, is a fixed article navigation menu that can take the viewer to different sections of the article. There is also secondary navigation at the bottom of the page for the viewer’s convenience.
Print Layout

I played an assistive role in designing the print layout. I created the colour palette, helped typeset, and refined some details after my teammates finished the design.
From among over 30 teams, our project was given one of the best grades and was chosen to present in front of 180 peers. Our team was happy with the result. Although we had our differences during the process, but all of us managed to communicate with each other, make compromises, accept critiques, and learn from each other. This project helped me advance my Adobe Suite skills and become more welcoming to critiques.