Flying Egg was a fictitious food delivery company created by a team of two designers using Adobe Illustrator and InDesign in January 2019. The design challenge was to only use grayscale colours throughout the design.

After deciding on the name of the company, my teammate and I brainstormed ideas for the logo. We wanted to use an egg as the main subject since it is in the name of the company. Then, we could add elements associated with flying. We sketched out possible designs for the logo and visualised the ones with potential.

Above is our top five logo designs. We ranked the designs by how they looked both digitally and printed, how legible they were both zoomed in and out, and best served the brand identity of the company. In the end, the winner we picked was a broken egg with a bacon strip wrapped around the eggshell that resembled a floating egg planet. We believed it would represent the company well.
Business Card

We had two business card designs at the beginning but neither of them was practical. The shapes of both business cards would cost a lot more to be made. The font size on the first design was too small, and the positioning of information was awkward. After discussions, we decided to design a new one based on the second design. The final design is cleaner, more straightforward, and more cost friendly.

The letterhead was our last design piece. The letter originally did not have the bacon strip on the left side. We felt that it had too much white space and looked bland and off-balance. The addition of the bacon strip brought balance to the letterhead and gave the letterhead a better personality.

Despite all the small design problems we encountered, the most challenging issue we faced was applying a monochromatic colour scheme. It was arduous to pick greyscale colours to satisfy our design standards and use them to create just enough contrast to make everything legible on both light and dark backgrounds.